Travancore Christian Succession Act 1916
[1] Mrs. Mary Roy Etc. Etc vs State Of Kerala & Ors on 24 February, 1986 [1986 AIR 1011, 1986 SCR (1) 371]
Prior to July 1949 the State of Travancore was a Prince B State and the law in force in the territories of that state in regard to intestate succession to the property of members of the Christian community residing there, was the Travancore Christian Succession Act 1916.There are separate laws for different segments
of the Christian community residing in India. This discriminates the Christians
on the basis of their segments and their gender. Women are not having certain
rights in many Christian segments.
The statement of objects and reasons for
enactment of Travancore Christian Succession Act provided that "the usages
of the various sections of the Christian community do not agree in all
respects. Separate legislation for the various sections of Christians is neither
desirable nor practicable and is likely to lead to much litigation and trouble.
It is therefore thought necessary to enact a common law for all the various
sections of Indian Christians."
Rules given under Section 16, 17, 21 and 22
of Travancore Christian Succession Act are discriminatory against women. As per
these rules, so far as succession to the immovable property of the intestate is
concerned, a widow or mother becoming entitled under secs. 16, 17, 21 and 22
shall have only life interest terminable at death or on remarriage and that a
daughter shall not be entitled to succeed to the property of the intestate in
the same share as the son.
In princely state of Travancore which is now part of State of Kerala, different Christian communities were residing among which Roman Catholic Christian, Protestant Christian and Syrian Christian communities were in majority. Family matters of these different Christian communities were governed by the different laws enacted during the British Rule in India. These colonial provisions are still governing different Christian communities through different provisions specifically mentioning their sections in the statute.
Mary Roy is the mother of famous leftist
writer Arundhati Roy.
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